1.) Always Be Aware:
With recent bear activity in the area the smart thing would be to hike with a friend. I did not have anyone to hike with on this Tuesday, but I had bear spray on me and was sure to make plenty of noise on the trail. It can be nerve racking knowing there is bear activity in the area where you are hiking, but that comes with the inherited risk of what you are doing in the first place. Coming across a bear is a rare occurrence but as a hiker you need to be ready and know how to react if the situation arises.
2.) Take in what you’re doing:
This was a very strenuous hike. In order to get the most of it, I found it helpful to stop on occasion for a break and take in what I was doing; hiking to the Summit of one of the most amazing ski mountains in the world.
3.) Compare the summer mountain to the winter mountain:
It was a unique experience to take in the mountain and all of its glory during the summer. It has a totally different feel and look than it does in winter but it is an awesome experience to see the runs that I am used to skiing up close and without snow on them. Just a few short months and I will be skiing this mountain day in and day out.
4.) The last Mile; Push hard don’t look back:
The last two miles of the hike was a steeper vertical incline. The sun was becoming warmer, the a and the thought of reaching the summit began to linger in my head. I had to concentrate on each step to stay focused. I couldn’t come all this way and not reach my goal of summiting the mountain. I focused on finishing what I had started and before I knew it I had summited the mountain.
5.) Take in your accomplishment:
6.) Count the days until ski season begins: